Saturday, July 14, 2007

Baseball History Welcome

I find myself reading about the history of major league baseball. I am not sure why I find the games of the past so interesting. However, I never seem to pass up a book about the players of the past, championship teams or important seasons that hold special remembrance in the hearts of baseball fans and Americans. Maybe that is part of it. In reading the history of the game you are reading a history of our great nation. These books describes moments in time of American in the expanding metropolis that span our country. Some of the books that I recently ave read are:
  • Crazy '08 by Cait Murphy: A description of the 1908 between the Chicago Cubs, New York Giants and Pittsburgh Pirates. Great insight on the Merkle Boner.
  • The Old Ballgame by Frank Deford. A duel biography of John McGraw and Christy Mathewson. Deford offers great descriptions of baseball in New York from the deadball era to the introduction of Babe Ruth.
  • The Year Babe Ruth Hit 104 Home Runs by Bill Jenkins. A season by season recap of the amazing feats focusing on Ruth's amazing number of titanic homers (450+ feet). I'm still reading this one and will write by first blog recap in a week or so.
I hope you enjoy reading about my thoughts on such narritives and how they may relate to todays game and the American context.

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